Sunday, 22 March 2009

Cow, where real treasures come from

I am not always in the mood for vintage shopping. I can't imagine shopping vintage when I'm tired or in a hurry. I need to have space for imagination and creativity in my head. Vintage shopping is more like fabric shopping. Vintage clothing, for me, is very often raw material for something completely different.
Yesterday was my vintage day. I went to Cow and bought some amazing clothes there. I hope to post them soon.
For now, just a taster:

Picture taken in Cow. I'm wearing an All Saints jacket, a Fabrykat dress (which is actually my prom dress, made many many years ago*, now shortened and successfully adapted for everyday purposes), an Urban Outfitters bag, and my new vintage shoes sought out in Cow yesterday.

* I remember that the night before my prom I was still in the middle of sewing. And actually, I may well have ended up going to my prom naked or wearing jeans. But I was too proud to admit failure, and decided not to go to bed at all, which was extremely stupid of me. But then my mom arrived from one of her endless trips, took the dress from me, pushed me to go to bed and finished the whole hemming with immaculate hand-stitching. I loved her so much that day.

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