Thursday, 4 June 2009

The day before the Noir Party

And there it came, the long expected celebration of various anniversaries and many birthdays in 40s style.

The first thing I wanted to show you is the poster made by my husband for the party. It think it's great, and it perfectly set the scene for everything that came later:

Where to start? I won't tell you about preparatory stages for the party i.e. deciding on the venue and the movie, but you have to believe me it was great fun from the very first second.
My outfit for the party?
The story of my outfit is rather complicated. It starts from the fact that for the last two months I was working hard on my corset and at the end I didn't wear it. Funnily enough it wasn't the corset's fault. It fits perfectly well, and as for a first corset, it's pretty impressive (be patient, I will show you the end result when I decide on the photo session idea). So, even though I was very happy about the final result, I realised my corset featuring outfit was more of a Victorian style meeting Dita von Teese half way through. Not a bad match at all, but not necessarily for the Noir theme. Hence, a week before the party, I changed my mind and decided to wear an old dress I got from my mum-in-law ages ago (she was shocked when I confessed I still have this dress). I will let you judge whether it was a good decision or not, but I felt I got the effect I was aiming at.

Before I show you the pictures from the party, I think I have something you may find somehow interesting - backstage photos taken during the last minute shopping in both vintage stores in Digbeth.

On Friday, the day before the party, our first guests arrived and we all agreed shopping was on the top of our list of priorities, right after raspberry muffins (!)

It was hilarious to see the girls getting all crazy about every single detail of their outfits: Dorota emerging from the changing room in all sorts of dresses and not being able to take the decision on which to buy; Marta desperately trying to decide between two bags out of which one being more useful for daily purposes and the other one perfectly matching her black dress with pearls (eh, dilemmas); Ola, as always, taking fully professional decision in 5 seconds; Elettra having trouble with almost everything; and Barbara shyly presenting her dress which I totally loved when I saw it on her the next day.

Bags, too many bags!

I've got enough of bags, let's go to shoes, it will be way easier, right?
Try that one as well, and that one, and...

That one, without any doubts!

One more second, it's only 20 dresses left:

It was a long day. At midnight the clock stroke Marta's birthday and we officially started the Noir party. This was one of the most hilarious moments on that day. I don't think I'm allowed to say why, but believe me, we had great fun.

All photos taken by Bohdan


  1. 5 lat! Jakos nie wydawalo mi sie :) Wszystkiego najlepszego :)

  2. Szybko minelo, prawda? Nam tez trudno w to uwierzyc czasami :)

  3. jakie cudne te sukienki! i wy w sukienkach! :)

    (nie odzywam się ostatnio w ogóle, bo mam straszliwe urwanie głowy tutaj, ale jak tylko siądę na pupie, to napiszę epickiego maila)

  4. pragnę iść do tego sklepu i KUPIĆ WSZYSTKO

  5. a jak powiem ci, ze ta, ktora dorota kupila kosztowala 4 funty, to przyjedziesz jeszcze przed koncem wakacji? :)

  6. a propos maili: czekam na dlugie maile ze stanow :)
