Sunday 9 August 2009

Busy weekend

I am not a competitive person. I hate losing, and what's more, I hate winning - I always feel pity for the person who loses. And I don't like that feeling. I know, it's peculiar, but it's been like that for as long as I can remember. I hated competition at school and during my studies, I hated competitive sports (I mean, I can watch tennis on tv, but I wouldn't be able to play it) and I hate competition at work.
But there is one thing I AM for sure - I am an ambitious animal. I can compete with myself till death. I would push myself to the limits just to achieve the goal I've set for myself.

Does that explain why I came up with this brilliant idea of making a jacket?
Maybe not, but anyway, here it is, the yet-unfinished jacket and the best model in the world - Euphoria, a birthday present from my beloved husband.

I think she looks damn cool in this jacket. I would leave the jacket as it is now if I were not dying of curiosity to see how it looks finished.

The headphones belong to my husband, but apparently, these days, only Euphoria knows how to make them work.