Saturday 27 February 2010

Harem Pants

The idea isn't new. I was initially inspired by these COS trousers from the past A/W 2009 season:

However, the final shape of my trousers was dictated purely by the nature of the fabric I bought. It's a black muslin which literally flows through your fingers as you touch it. I loved its movement and softness since the very first second.

I don't think I've ever explained before how much my designs depend of the fabric itself. I get my inspiration from its texture and softness. I can spend hours at a fabric store, simply touching and stroking fabrics, and each touch gives me dozens of ideas. Finally, and most importantly, since I am and always was a colour lover, it's the colour that determines the final result. This post is not about colour though, it's about draping and my first attempts at this joyful art.
I totally enjoyed it! My husband laughed at me when he first saw me dancing around Euphoria (my sewing mannequin), mumbling some incomprehensible spells and trying to make my fabric flow in the directions I wanted it to flow. Endless fun! and a very satisfying result!

Wearing: leather jacket (SuperDry), boots (Zara), harem pants (Fabrykat), scarf (old cardigan incredibly stretched sideways[!] after a number of washes), gloves (Urban Outfitters).


  1. tez bym takie nosila :) ale pewnie do jakichs tenisowek ;)

  2. aha, HAREM. najpierw przeczytalam HARLEM, i tez mi pasowalo, somehow.

  3. Harlem, mowisz? Hehe, moze byc :) Na razie nosze je do oxfordow, bo na tenisowki bylo jeszcze za zimno i za MOKRO. Mialam zrobic zdjecie tych spodni w bardziej sportowym zestawie i tez wrzucic, bo one zupelnie inaczej wygladaja jak mam np rece w kieszeniach - sa takimi dwoma trojkatami :), ale zabraklo mi czasu, of course...

    Mam takie postanowienie, ze nie bede czekac na okazje, zeby robic sobie zdjecia specjalnie na bloga, bo przy naszych obecnych grafikach nigdy sie nie doczekam, tylko bede wrzucac to co mam. Dzieki temu cos sie bedzie na tym blogu dzialo, mam nadzieje :)

  4. Siostra a mnie takie uszyjesz? :P tylko buty chyba bym wygodniejsze nosił :)

  5. Nie ma sprawy brat, kiedy tylko zechcesz, ale warunek jest taki, ze dasz sie sfotografowac na bloga ;)

  6. aale wyglądasz świetnie w tych spodniach, bez wątpienie ten kroj cie kocha :D

  7. dziekuje Miss Shakespeare! To zdecydowanie milosc odwzajemniona :)
